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Royal Canadian Navy Embarks with OFG on the Demonstration of a Mobile Range with AUVs

Sept. 21, 2020: OFG Will Deploy Its Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Non-Contact Integrated Cathodic Protection (ICP) System And Self-Compensating Magnetometer (SCM) Systems For The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) For A Demonstration Of A Mobile Magnetic Signature Range.

The magnetic field of a synthetic model approximating a 210 ton vessel has been calculated using an algorithm for a hollow ellipsoid of equivalent mass and volume. The total magnetic intensity and 3 magnetic components are shown. This is synthetic reference model used to validate a procedure taking measurements with an AUV to assess the magnetic signature of a vessel. The Orca Class patrol vessel photo is modified from and credited to S24415 / CC BY-SA (

Ocean Floor Geophysics Inc. (OFG) is pleased to announce it has been awarded a contract to test SCMs and its Underwater Electric Potential (UEP) system on an AUV to measure and model the magnetic and electric signatures of a non-combatant training vessel provided by the RCN. These systems are already deployed commercially by OFG as part of its AUV non-contact integrated Cathodic Protection (iCP) inspection system for subsea pipeline and structure inspection by AUV. The results of the tests will be used to evaluate several scenarios to complement and extend current vessel signature measurement capabilities. Some scenarios contemplated by OFG include taking the range to the ship instead of the ship to the range, ranging for deployed unit to avoid costly detours and delays, and “quick looks” for suspected faults in degaussing systems, and the potential for use as part of an automated ship signature management system.

The data will be collected by OFG sensors integrated with the SOLUS-LR AUV, a long range AUV capable of long-range port to port missions, built by Cellula Robotics Ltd (CRL). In addition to sensor integration, CRL will provide engineering services, a remote operations piloting control centre, and their AUV support vessel Ranger for the field trials.

Solus-LR AUV equipped with SCM and UEP/iCP

The contract was awarded by Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) and will be executed under the supervision of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). Matthew Kowalczyk CEO of OFG stated “Adapting our industry proven SCM and iCP systems from AUV non-contact cathodic protection pipeline inspection to a warship signature management program is a great example of OFG’s expertise in marine magnetic and electric field measurement systems. The commitment of the Royal Canadian Navy to test the AUV SCMs in this application is a concrete example of Canada’s defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged through their support of innovative Canadian people and companies.”

FOR DETAILS, CONTACT: Matthew Kowalczyk, CEO Email: Download this press release.

ABOUT OFG: Since its inception OFG has consistently developed and operated innovative marine geophysical systems to provide new perspectives to our clients. We provide data acquisition and analysis services that were previously unavailable by integrating magnetic, EM, CSEM/MT, gravity, chemical, and hydrographic sensors and systems deployed on AUVs, ASV/USVs, ROVs and towed systems.


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