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P-Cable Application

Reservoir Imaging and Exploration

Detailed marine seismic imaging is key to the successful discovery and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Our 3D marine seismic imaging technology helps resolve the reservoir geology and distribution of hydrocarbon fluids at unprecedented seismic resolution. In recent years, we have conducted several proprietary, multi-client surveys on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, including the Peon gas discovery in the North Sea and the Wisting oil discovery in the Barents Sea. 

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OWF: Offshore Wind Farm

P-Cable UHR3D seismic data acquired with high-frequency sources such as sparker or boomer offers unrivaled marine seismic imaging of subsurface hazards for engineering-scale studies and infrastructure safety and represents a step-change in geohazard evaluation. Broadband 3D imaging of the subsurface ensures the accurate delineation of subsurface hazards from water-bottom down to a few hundred meters or more below seabed with unprecedented resolution and image quality. P-Cable UHR3D data, in combination with ancillary measurements such as multibeam echo sounder, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, and magnetic gradiometer, provides an unrivaled ability to image: 

  • Seafloor bathymetry at a level of detail comparable to shipborne multibeam echo sounder data 

  • Seafloor and sub-seafloor infrastructure 

  • Small scale faults and diffractors, including steeply dipping fault planes 

  • Extremely detailed seismic-stratigraphic information from the seabed to several hundred meters below seabed, including thin beds and pinch outs 

  • Free gas in the subsurface, including gas chimneys, gas clouds, trapped free gas, and active gas expulsion features 

  • Gas hydrates, both indirectly using free gas underneath the hydrates (BSR's), and possibly directly in favorable circumstances using detailed amplitude analysis

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4D (Time-Lapse) Reservoir Monitoring

Time-lapse (4D) marine seismic imaging surveys and time-lapse seismic processing are important for the monitoring and analysis of sub-surface deformation and fluid migration both for the offshore E&P industry and for academic applications. Time-lapse P-Cable data have been collected in areas with gas hydrates and focused fluid flow, as well as over-producing deep-water oilfields, and have proven very useful for detecting subsurface changes over time and for reservoir monitoring and management. 

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CCS: Carbon Capture and Storage

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Sequestration of CO2 requires detailed knowledge of the structure and properties of the target geological formation and the regional seal. OFG’s technology can be deployed to characterize storage reservoir properties; image small scale faults that may compromise seal integrity; identify potential gas migration paths; and monitor CO2 gas leakage. 

Site Surveys and Geohazards

Marine environments represent engineering challenges, introducing risks and uncertainties. Ultrahigh Resolution (UHR) 3D seismic imaging is essential for accurate mapping of shallow gas, weak layers, faults, and other potential subsurface geological hazards that impact offshore industry activities such as drilling operations; platforms, and offshore wind farm construction; and pipeline surveys. 

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Jon Nicholls
VP Global Operations, OFG Multiphysics

Jon Nicholls
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