Ultra-high resolution 3D seismic acquisition for imaging seafloor and sub-surface structure in unprecedented detail with application in both traditional and new energy markets.
P-Cable UHR3D seismic combines Shallow tow depths and careful design of both source and receiver arrays, coupled with extremely fine sampling intervals both temporally and spatially, result in broadband images with exceptional levels of detail and clarity compared to conventional marine seismic acquisition methodologies. As the industry leading option for a wide array of applications, P-Cable technology has been applied to a variety of targets, ranging from marine exploration, site surveys, and geohazard assessment to 4D marine seismic imaging.

Unrivaled Temporal and Spatial Resolution

Extremely Dense Near Offset with P-Cable

Compact and Configurable P-Cable
Unrivaled Temporal and Spatial Resolution
With P-Cable, shallow tow depths and careful design of both source and receiver arrays, coupled with extremely fine sampling intervals both temporally (1/4 to 1/2 milliseconds) and spatially (1.5625 to 6.25 meter bins), result in broadband images with exceptional levels of detail and clarity compared to conventional marine seismic acquisition methodologies.

Extremely Dense Near Offset with P-Cable
Focusing exclusively on near offset coverage allows us to distribute our seismic coverage effort more densely in the inline and crossline domains rather than the offset domain, resulting in images of complex subsurface geology such as channels, faults, thin layers, prograding deltas, and higher-order stratigraphic sequences that are not resolved by conventional acquisition technologies.
Compact and Configurable P-Cable
The relatively small amount of equipment and streamers, along with the use of fewer winches/reels than conventional seismic, means that it is feasible to air freight equipment to the job site and install it on a vessel of opportunity. Our ability to design the streamer spacing and receiver group interval to meet specific geophysical and geologic objectives means that we can field a source and receiver spread that is tailored to your specific application.

P-Cable is the top choice for a multitude of marine seismic industry applications including offshore exploration, deepwater industry surveys, and carbon capture and sequestration projects.
Reservoir Imaging and Exploration
OWF: Offshore Wind Farm
4D Reservoir Monitoring and Investigation
CCS: Carbon Capture and Storage
Site Surveys and Geohazards
Seismic Survey Design & Planning
We have more than a decade of experience in planning, rigging, and surveying using the P-Cable system. During tailored seismic surveys for clients as well as multi-client surveys in cooperation with TGS, we have collected over 3,600 square kilometers of commercial ultrahigh resolution 3D data and 7,000 kilometers of commercial 2D wide-azimuth tie-lines. We have successfully operated the P-Cable system in a variety of areas around the globe, including the Barents Sea – one of the harshest environments in the world for marine seismic operations.

P-Cable Ultrahigh Resolution Seismic Data Acquisition
P-Cable ultrahigh seismic resolution recording system is an unrivaled tool for providing extremely detailed images of geology at and beneath the seafloor. Using proprietary navigation and seismic acquisition technologies to augment the accuracy, robustness, and reliability of this system over the past several years, we have been able to produce subsurface images of astounding quality and fidelity.
Seismic survey data acquisition is performed using conventional, low-capacity 3D seismic vessels or other vessels of opportunity (such as platform supply vessels) in situations where conventional seismic vessels are not available. The ultimate in versatility, our compact, modular acquisition system can be air-freighted to the mobilization port for installation onboard the selected vessel. The small footprint of the P-Cable system is easily deployable from the back of most vessels.
Marine Seismic Data Processing & Interpretation
Working with our industry partners we have more than a decade of experience with processing and interpretation of ultrahigh resolution (UHR) 3D marine seismic survey data. Together with RadExPro, TGS, DUG, and other industry partners we have developed state-of-the-art, broadband 3D marine seismic processing workflows for P-Cable data. Our collaboration with RadExPro began in 2005, and together, we have developed navigation and QC processing software and workflows uniquely suited to the P-Cable technology.